
Do you like singing? Whether you're new to choral singing, coming back to it after a few bars rest, or looking to change choirs, you'll get a warm welcome at Oxshott.

Oxshott Choral Society welcomes new singers in all sections. The choir does not hold auditions and, whilst the ability to read music is a strong advantage, it is not a requirement on joining. What you will need to bring with you is your love of music, your commitment and your enthusiasm!

We operate roughly in line with school terms, and put on a Christmas concert, participate in the Leith Hill Music Festival, this seson's date is Saturday 12 April , and also have a Summer concert in mid-June.

Rehearsals are currently being held in St Mary's Church Hall, Stoke d'Abernon, in the grounds of Parkside School. This is a modern and spacious venue, and it is accessible to wheelchair users, with a ramp from ground level. Once inside, everything is on the same level, with no steps, and there is a toilet for the disabled. Rehearsals start at 8pm and run until 10pm, with a short mid-session break.

For further information, you can contact the Membership Secretary on 01372-842300 or via, or you can come to a rehearsal - no appointment necessary!

Fees for the 2024-20245 season are £170 (£40 for sturdents), which covers the Autumn and Spring terms' rehearsals, music hire and entry to the Leith Hill Music Festival,  There is an additional fee for those who would like to carry on singing in the summer season.